Tuesday, July 30, 2019

NGC 6910

NGC 6910 is an open cluster in the constellation Cygnus. It was discovered by William Herschel on October 17, 1786. The cluster was also observed by John Herschel on September 18, 1828. NGC 6910 is located half a degree east-north east of Gamma Cygni, also known as Sadr. It may be physically related with the nebula IC 1318, which is also known as the Gamma Cygni nebula complex and lies at a similar distance, behind the galactic Great Rift.

Optics: Vixen VC200L @ f/6.4
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 Synscan Pro
Guiding: 9x50 finderscope, DMK21AU04, PHD2 guiding
Camera: SBIG ST2000XM
Filter Wheel: SBIG CFW9
Filters: L,R,G,B,Ha
CCD Temperature: 0 degrees Celsius
Constellation: Cygnus
Date: July 26/27, 2019
Location: Albireo Observatory I - Korinthos, Greece
Exposure: L:R:G:B:Ha=60:60:60:60:60 min bin 1x1
Calibration: Darks, Flats, Bias


  1. Thanks for this description. I just photographed this open cluster. It was a surprise to me and I am glad I found this site to give some info.
